
Silicone rubber processing

Click:930 Date:2015-04-14 Select the font size:Small In Big

Silicone rubber processing silicone rubber can be an ordinary rubber processing equipment for processing, it should be noted: 1. The process to keep clean, not mixed with other rubber, oil or impurities, otherwise it will affect the curing and properties of silicone rubber. 2. Silicone rubber products require a longer practice hot air vulcanization in an oven, in order to improve the performance of vulcanized rubber. This is why 科奕 Cots plant will tell customers that your product needs to be delivered in three days later, it is because silicone products of the production process a long time. Process silica products include the following four processes: 1. kneading: Silicone rubber raw rubber relatively soft, with a certain plasticity, do not directly use the mastication open mill or internal mixers. 2. Extrusion: Silicone rubber extrusion effect, easy to operate, can be squeezed out a variety of different shapes and sizes of silicone products, so Keyi Cots size according to your requirement for production. Try to keep the extrusion temperature, not more than 40 degrees, and 科奕 Cots plant will install 80-140 mesh screen near the nose section to remove the rubber compound impurities, improve quality extrusion. Need to be cured immediately after extrusion. 3. The bonding: silicone rubber adhesive with a lot of material, including metals, plastics, ceramics, fibers, silicone rubber and other rubber adhesive itself, with the use of the silicone rubber itself can simultaneously vulcanized silicone rubber adhesive and the coated get the best bonding between. The vulcanization: silicone rubber vulcanization process does not apply at once, but in two stages, the plastic material under pressure, with or heating under normal pressure setting, and serves as a cure, high temperature curing in an oven, in order to further stabilize the vulcanization rubber physical properties, become Sec curing.


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