
Polyurethane rubber roller cleaning methods and trends

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Polyurethane rubber roller with high strength, high tear resistance, and other advantages. Able to withstand high pressure, high humidity of the production environment. But still pay special attention to its storage. General approach is that after the clean, with a plastic film to seal up the colloid, on the idle polyurethane rubber roller rack, must not abandonment, or pressure, to keep the roll core is not eccentric, bend, in order to ensure the roll core normal use. Domestic polyurethane rubber roller application began in the early 1980s, and later increasing market demand. Paper, steel, printing and dyeing, textile and other industries to introduce the device in urgent need of polyurethane rubber roller localization of spare parts, such as Baoshan Iron and Steel cold-rolled production line, polyurethane rubber roller accounting Cots total l / 3, the amount is considerable. Urgent need for transformation and technological innovation in polyurethane rubber rollers instead of conventional rubber roller, to improve production efficiency, save energy, such as paper machine drying section off 1kg of water needed for the cost of fees than about 10 times the press section, if the press rolls The roller surface material instead of natural rubber, urethane rubber, which can withstand the pressure line 2 to 3 times increase, so that the sheet dewatering rate. General freshly polyurethane rubber roller internal structure is not stable enough, should immediately put into use, it will reduce the service life. Therefore, polyurethane rubber roller should be placed in the outside world for some time, remained relatively stable, which can increase the resilience of the colloid, thereby improving durability effect.


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